Even though I stayed up ridiculously late the night before, I didn't want to miss a chance to explore Oxford some more. I woke up and was out the door by 10:30. I wanted to walk to Kebler College because there are Pre Raphaelite paintings in the chapel. I went with Erin and Kylie and I met Jon S., Craig, and Richard there. Unfortunately the Chapel was closed but we made sure to take photos. I liked how it was all red brick! I think that gives it a really beautiful and different look from much of Oxford.
Kebler College |
Selfie |
With Craig and Richard |
After we left, we decided to see the Pitt Rivers Museum as we were really close. We also luckily ran into Josh on the way there. I loved the Museum! I geeked out the whole time about how the museum was basically a giant version of BYU's Museum of Peoples and Cultures (MCP). I really loved how it was set up! Everything was just set out in display cases with seemingly no rhyme or reason, although there was some. It's probably been set up the same way since forever! every usable space was used. There were even paddles on display on the ceiling! I almost with the MCP was that way because we have so many items that have never seen the light of display case. I also geeked out because many of the objects are similar to ones I've photographed in the MCP. I just liked the general mosh-posh hap-hazardness of the museum that is almost lost in modern museums. I also really liked seeing the Native American stuff because it reminded me of home.
Pitt Rivers Museum |
Sad owl |
Seemed worth the Pound... haha
Giant Museum of Peoples and Cultures |
a bit of home in Oxford |
Seems like nothing compared to whats to come |
I've had to photograph so many of these head rests in the Museum of Peoples and Cultures (MCP) |
Cool Lock innerds |
More stuff like in the MCP |
And again similar to the MCP. We thought it was interesting that these were just on display on the ceiling. I wouldn't have even thought to look up there if Josh hadn't said anything. |
From the Tetons |
Lady goods |
MCP similarity only giant |
MCP stuff |
LOTR looking swards |
what a strange gun.... |
Biggest surprise of the museum. What a strange and crazy room! |
What is going on here?? freaky. |
Church was good. I slept through Relief Society and I tuned Sunday School out because she was really cold and didn't validate anyone's comments and even said things like "I completely disagree" which was making me mad so I tuned her out. When I tough Gospel Doctrine, I was complemented on my ability to validate commentators and make them feel good, so I was getting annoyed with her. During sacrament meeting, I wrote my my journal about Grandma which made me cry so that was awkward. We took place in the musical number which was fun. Sister Christensen gave a talk which was really good :)
After that, Josh, Kailey, John S., Richard and I ran over to the Ashmolean to see the Stradivarius exhibit! I was amazing! Thinking of the thought that went into each individual instrument was amazing! I also love that Stradivarius didn't just do high-brow violins but also fiddles, guitars, and other instruments. Josh was really into it. I loved seeing some really famous instruments. I just wish music had been playing while there. It made me think of the Violin craft school in Salt Lake City and made me kind of want to go there... who knows!
Stradivarius exhibit at the Ashmolean |
The Ex-Stauffer Cristiani Cello (1700). The cello that was played by a woman. |
After that, everyone met up at the New College chapel for Evensong. It was really beautiful but all of us were pretty tired. I don't feel comfortable chanting the prayers along with everyone else myself, but some kids did it. It was pretty fun.
Scary |
Where Draco Malfoy was turned into a ferret |

That night, we all went out for Indian food. I was about to sit by Matt M. but Lucy really wanted me to sit by her :) No one else really sat over there so it was me and the Kerry family. Someone asked Dr. Kerry his and Sister Kerry's story. He moved to Oxford when he was 27 when he met sister Kerry's mom. He met Sis Kerry at Primary where she played piano and he taught the Valiants. Sister Kerry is 7 years younger, and she thought he was good for one of her unmarried big sisters and that he was more brother-like. Her mom and her invited him over a much to try to set him up. There wasn't any chemistry with the sisters, and eventually Sister Kerry saw him more and more as a potential husband. Finally after a while, they decided to date (apparently a much bigger deal than in the States). Three weeks later, he took her up her mother's favorite mountain. In one Shakespeare play, a line is roughly that men always have one foot in the sea and one on land, so Dr. Kerry symbolically turned his back on the sea and faced her to propose. I love that it was really romantic but also really thought out and analytic, so it makes me laugh a bit. Sister Kerry is sassy! She is a redhead after all. But after he told her story she said teasingly "you came up with that symbolism afterwards!" and Dr. Kerry very earnestly said "no it was deliberate!" They make me laugh.
Dr. Kerry and I also spoke about how we are bugged that girls at BYU are more than happy to become mere limbs and extensions of their future husbands rather than following their own goals and acting like an equal and that boys are more than happy to go along or even expect it. Dr. Kerry helped his wife get her PhD even when her professor thought she couldn't do it. We discussed how it is important to find a boy who would support me through my goals whatever they may be and would openly communicate about it with me. He knows how scared I am of marriage and he really worked hard to comfort me. But I want to be an equal partner to my husband, not just a limb, and hopefully I can be able to have a family much like the Kerrys.
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